19 Jan

Configurator software is not only an essential part of most firms but also a priceless asset for sales teams, organizing and automating every step of the quote process and providing essential resources right at the sales team's fingertips. Through sales automation, the appropriate CPQ pricing integrated by CPQ software vendors can speed up the procedure for your team, enabling team members to swiftly and accurately write professional, high-quality sales quotations. The configurator software can be a potent sales automation tool that boosts sales productivity when set correctly and tailored to your organization's unique needs.

How to maximize efficiency with integrations

Your organization needs to understand where the configurator software utilizes fully. Other sales process automation solutions step in before you can position your sales team for success and maintain the momentum from the quotation process into the contract management process. While CPQ software can benefit your sales force and boost efficiency throughout the quote process, a lack of proper connection between the CPQ and other systems can jar customers, staff members, and everyone else engaged in the sales process.

It's critical to figure out how to combine the CPQ with other sales process automation technologies, particularly contract lifecycle management software, to reduce the limitations of your organization's CPQ software. The two systems must be integrated to smoothly transfer the sales process from quotation to contract discussions and on to final signature, renewals, and document maintenance.

For your company to maintain consistency, ensure compliance, and boost sales efficiency, a robust interface between your CPQ cloud and existing software is essential. It also improves client happiness. Your team will see an improvement in growth, convenience, and control when your CPQ pricing and existing software are correctly communicating with one another.

Early integration is ideal

Instead of repeating the procedure for two different systems; the implementation will be quicker to install and simpler to set up if the CPQ pricing is appropriately connected with the existing  software. However, it is still feasible to effectively interface with the correct contract management software, even if the system's integration capabilities were a minor priority when the configurator software was first implemented. It's always too late to use automation software to enhance processes and generate efficiency, and if it still needs to, connecting your CPQ system with other systems needs to be a top focus.

Your company can better serve consumers and strive for higher customer satisfaction ratings by integrating configurator software and existing solutions across the quote and contract management processes. For instance, the sales staff has to be aware of the conditions of the present contract if a current client requests a new proposal. The latest quotation can not only be incorrect if the CPQ pricing and existing  systems don't work together effectively, but it can also mark the beginning of a tense relationship with a previously satisfied client.

The client, legal team, and other executors can now approve a quotation and a contract in a single step instead of having to do so repeatedly throughout the sales cycle, thanks to the integration of the CPQ cloud and existing software.

Additionally, the two systems are not integrated. In that case, the sales staff can do their job twice by obtaining client information again during the contract process after doing so during the quote process. When linked effectively, existing  software utilizes the sales team's existing account, opportunity, price, product, and other data from the CPQ pricing to produce contracts more quickly and precisely than they could otherwise. The integrated systems are more effective for the sales force since they use a single data model, which also lowers mistakes and makes it possible for future easy connections with other applications.

In a world that is becoming more complicated, KBMax smashes complexity. With the help of our CPQ software vendors, we can transform the complexity of each company's order configuration, execution, fulfillment, and contract renewal processes. KBMax CPQ uses an adaptable unified data model to meet constantly changing business requirements and unifies the understanding and efforts of all teams. 

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