21 Nov

The amount of information available to buyers nowadays is unprecedented. They can research products, compare features and prices, and even read reviews from their preferred online communities before they buy something new. And because of this, the importance of excellent customer experience has never been greater for businesses selling products or services.

That’s why so many businesses are turning to Enterprise software with CPQ to meet the needs of their customers — and drive sales. With enterprise software that includes CPQ with ERP, businesses can streamline processes from quote to order and give customers everything they need to make informed decisions about their purchases.

In this blog post, we’ll introduce you to enterprise software with CPQ and explain why it is essential for today’s businesses. We’ll also cover some of the most common types of CPQ systems and share a few examples of companies that have implemented them successfully.

What is Enterprise Software with CPQ?

Enterprise software with CPQ allows customers to go through an entire purchase process within a single system. In most cases, this will likely include a request for a quote, the ability to select options, and the ability to place an order. KBMax CPQ systems are not just useful for sales, though. Many businesses that use CPQ systems also use them for their accounting and inventory management. This allows them to share data among different departments, streamline workflow, and make more informed decisions about the business overall. While the CPQ system is most common in Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions, it can also find it on-premise software. There are a lot of similarities between the two, but they also differ in a few ways. We’ll get into the details a little later in this post.

Why Is Enterprise Software with CPQ Important?

As mentioned earlier, buyers have more informed these days because of the Internet, and the importance of engaging customer experience has never been greater for businesses selling products to customers. In fact, according to research providing a great customer experience is one of the top priorities for businesses this year.

“In the U.S., even when people love a company or product, 59% will walk away after several bad experiences, 17% after just one bad experience”.That’s why so many companies are turning to KBMax Visual CPQ. It can help enterprise streamline their processes from quote to order and give customers everything they need to make an informed decision about their purchases.

Types of Enterprise Software with CPQ

There are four main types of CPQ systems. It’s important to note that different types of enterprise software with CPQ will also have different price points.

Managed Service CPQ – Many successful businesses employ the organized sales tool known as CPQ Managed Services. Companies continually adapt to modern technology to be visible and relevant in a dynamic and competitive market to survive.

On-Premise CPQ – On-premise CPQ is software hosted on your company’s computers. This is sometimes called a hybrid solution, as it allows some data to run in the cloud.

Software-as-a-Service CPQ – SaaS CPQ is software that is hosted in the cloud. SaaS is growing in popularity because it is less expensive than on-premise options and doesn’t require companies to hire IT staff to manage it.

CPQ as a Feature in an Existing Enterprise Solution – Some enterprise software solutions allow you to add CPQ features to your software. This might be part of a larger product or a smaller add-on.


Enterprise software with CPQ is an essential tool for businesses selling to customers online. It allows businesses to journey their customers through the entire purchase process within a single system. CPQ systems are essential for sales because they allow sales reps to view real-time data to help them close deals faster. They are helpful for more than just sales, as they can be used for inventory management and accounting.Want to know more about enterprise software with CPQ? Let’s connect!

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