29 Nov

The process of bidding on contracts can be severe and complicated for sales teams. They face difficulties from fierce pricing rivalry, unexpected changes in consumer needs, and short timeframes. To be competitive, they need to reply to proposals and client information requests quickly and accurately.

This blog will cover tips and techniques for using visual configuration software to create proposals faster.

1. Visual configuration software brings out the artistic side of people. It allows customers to start designing their products, even share the product images with their friends for some idea or share it on their social media channels. This may excite other potential customers to click on the product to try out its configuration. It decreases the repetitive work and allows a sales team to quote the product with final specifications. With Visual configuration tools, the designing team can also save some layouts as default and use them again in designing the same product in the future. This also helps them save time and generate quotes faster.

2. Creating layouts for project proposals can be labor-intensive for design teams that are generally overworked. With visual product configuration, the designing team can utilize pre-built models of robots, and other equipment from a library of pre-defined components, allowing for simple configuration and 3D layouts. You may quickly create a functioning and fully dynamic 3D layout by dragging components into the 3D environment and connecting appropriate components using the plug-and-play capability.

3. It's typical for customers, partners, and suppliers to provide design files in various CAD formats, but merging this data into a unified layout can take time and effort. You should find it simple to import your design files into a single layout, whether you're using CAD or 3D manufacturing simulation software. The visual configuration tool supports the most popular CAD file types, which enables rapid and simple 3D file importation.

4. You must ensure that your suggested solution satisfies your client's space requirements. A mistake that could cost you the project is having to redo a layout because you should have considered a low-hanging ceiling or an adjacent cell. Utilizing a 3D point cloud of your customer's facilities in your plan is one approach to help guarantee you're achieving these space requirements. You may visualize and confirm that the equipment you are purchasing and the layout you have chosen suit the space requirements of your prospect by importing this point cloud model into the visual configuration tool.

5. A persistent problem for sales teams is the need to alter layouts and proposals in response to changing customer needs. It's a time-consuming procedure that frequently necessitates sales to return to the design team to update designs and documentation, taking time and placing a strain on already overburdened resources. As requirements change, it is quick and simple to adjust layouts and performance standards using the visual configuration software. You can also export deliverables that are project-ready for your proposals.

6. Designing teams encounter the challenge of making their work attractive when the design and analysis are finished. It is simple to export project-ready deliverables from Visual Components' software to project proposals, including 2D drawings, 3D PDFs, bills of materials, and high-resolution photos. Additionally, you may produce stunning product videos of your simulations to share with clients and further customize your product.

Summing up
Visual product configuration gives customers access to scheme, design, and edit products based on their idea, which decreases the chances of revision once the design has been created. This also saves other teams time preparing the process and speeds up product development. Visual product configuration reduces the average time for order records, reviews, and processing. This makes customers more satisfied by developing products within time with effective cost.

KBMax has dedicated its entire attention over the years to assisting businesses worldwide in enhancing their products’ configuration.

Reach out to them if you want to share your story and talk about how you can improve from where you are with the Visual product tool.

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